Thursday, January 8, 2009

Police Brutality

F**k the police for real!


L.F.I.(Imaghostwriter2) said...

dag yea thats f*d up-

yo uzoy hit up the blog

shonsteez said...

I just heard about this the other day...There was obviously no reason for the police officer to even un-holster his weapon - the kid was being detained ruthlessly by the other cop with his knee directly on top of the kids face, plus he wasnt resisting!....
What kills me even more about this shit is if you peep out the youtube vids on the shooting there is flocks of creepy ass racist people popping up everywhere all happy about the shooting. The fuck is wrong with people!!!?....
Anyways, my 2 cents....
Dope blog by the UZOY.

N8-Space said...

Oh man... this seriously hurts me to watch. //I honestly thought at first that it was like a video from the Onion or something but then i realized, "they cant fake this shit"// Its just too serious to joke about.

So Wtf?!
How is this shit still allowed to happen? I am deeply saddened, ppl. This young man was shot by a protector of the law? Man i'm furious! i refuse to accept this, but...we have to...I don't like cops as it is, and people wonder why... I cant say anymore. I don't like to speak when i'm angry, so I wont... This has really done it for me. Im fucking furious. Where'd this happen again?

xBBSx FemFatale said...

it happened in Oakland. hey Nate! i cant comment you because you blog wont allow comments i guess. whats your myspace?

N8-Space said...

oh man. im trynna show my buddy C-swirls the vid but i see they took it down! Uzoy you believe this shit? man i seriously hate to think about the corruption behind shit like this. Its even worse when that same poison comes into the foreground in plain sight. dont sleep ppl, Big Brother is Watching.