Sunday, May 31, 2009
I like this cover!
i dont even know who this dude is. and i never even listened to the tape. but, the cover caught my attention and i thought it was blog worthy. so peep the graphics. i want my stuff to be this dope.

Friday, May 29, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
laziness has overcome...
I've been back in Houston from my brief break from school and i cant lie....I'm not doing anything productive. I'm on xboxlive most of the day because I never play it during the semester. Trying to take advantage of the opportunity but I'm going to come back strong for yall in a second...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
lol. random but its true. this is like the main 3 people in regular rotation on my ipod. of course yall know drake, but if yall aint on that big sean or wale by now....GET WITH THE PROGRAM!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Rick Ross rocks fake Louis Vuitton shades on XXL cover?
hugh FAIL for the Boss. its alright. he bounced back from that officer ricky stuff, he can bounce back from this.

Dear Editor:
We were dismayed to see the cover of the May 2009 issue of XXL Magazine, which features a photo of Rick Ross wearing a pair of sunglasses prominently featuring counterfeit Louis Vuitton trademarks. Because the photo has generated considerable confusion among your readers and Louis Vuitton customers among others, we feel it is important to clarify several points.
The first is that the sunglasses Mr. Ross is wearing were not made by Louis Vuitton, and in fact, are counterfeit. Louis Vuitton did not grant permission to Mr. Ross or to whoever did make the sunglasses to use our trademarks. The second is that no affiliation, sponsorship or association exists between Rick Ross or XXL and Louis Vuitton. The third is that counterfeiting is illegal.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to correct the confusion.
Source: XXL

Dear Editor:
We were dismayed to see the cover of the May 2009 issue of XXL Magazine, which features a photo of Rick Ross wearing a pair of sunglasses prominently featuring counterfeit Louis Vuitton trademarks. Because the photo has generated considerable confusion among your readers and Louis Vuitton customers among others, we feel it is important to clarify several points.
The first is that the sunglasses Mr. Ross is wearing were not made by Louis Vuitton, and in fact, are counterfeit. Louis Vuitton did not grant permission to Mr. Ross or to whoever did make the sunglasses to use our trademarks. The second is that no affiliation, sponsorship or association exists between Rick Ross or XXL and Louis Vuitton. The third is that counterfeiting is illegal.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to correct the confusion.
Source: XXL
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Drake in Houston
I didnt go because I knew it would be wayyyyyyy too packed and I didnt feel like dealing with that. I'll just wait til I'm famous and can watch from backstage. lol I should have gone to that Wale show but i grew the same mentality for that one also. I'll catch em on a later day...
It's kind of sad...a nigga from Houston cant even make ppl from Houston get this hype. Not even close. Dude comes way from Toronto and shuts it down. HOUSTON NEEDS TO STEP IT UP!
and poor Drake didnt know the Houston rule of thumb...for anybody who is out there tryna show love to Houston. YOU CAN'T START MO CITY DON AND EXPECT THE CROWD TO STOP BEFORE ITS OVER. ITS LIKE JUMANJI. ONCE YOU START IT, YOU GOTTA FINISH THAT HO!
It's kind of sad...a nigga from Houston cant even make ppl from Houston get this hype. Not even close. Dude comes way from Toronto and shuts it down. HOUSTON NEEDS TO STEP IT UP!
and poor Drake didnt know the Houston rule of thumb...for anybody who is out there tryna show love to Houston. YOU CAN'T START MO CITY DON AND EXPECT THE CROWD TO STOP BEFORE ITS OVER. ITS LIKE JUMANJI. ONCE YOU START IT, YOU GOTTA FINISH THAT HO!
Top 5 Things You Can Say to me and Not Get a Response
A lot of people hit me up and it's a great thing. But when you are an artist trying to get somewhere or get something out of me, you gotta know how to speak. Articulate yourself in such a way that its not as obvious at least. Ket point: In a world of creative freedom....flattery can get you everywhere lol
So if you hit me up and I never responded, you might have said...
5. " I think our styles compliment. You should join my group"
Um...no. I dont wanna join you're group. I'm sorry. I don't want to feel like the best among a group of men. lol. Honestly when I collab and stuff, I want people to try or succeed at doing better than me on that track. Might sound crazy but I feel like that makes for a better song. And that's my aim.
4. "Can you check out my music and tell me what you think"
It that all you gotta say to me? Well have you checked my music out? No? Then why should I check yours?
3. "You sound good for a female rapper"
Is that intended to be a compliment? lol Cause that's obviously a no brainer. Being realistic...I'm better than a lot of these guys out here.
2. "Let's build"
Do you gotta make it so obvious? I mean, we can build without you saying lets build. I start feeling like you're tryna use me.
1. "I think we should do a track"
Of course you think we should if you haven't created any name for yourself. Come on. What will I gain from that collab? Nothing.
So if you hit me up and I never responded, you might have said...
5. " I think our styles compliment. You should join my group"
Um...no. I dont wanna join you're group. I'm sorry. I don't want to feel like the best among a group of men. lol. Honestly when I collab and stuff, I want people to try or succeed at doing better than me on that track. Might sound crazy but I feel like that makes for a better song. And that's my aim.
4. "Can you check out my music and tell me what you think"
It that all you gotta say to me? Well have you checked my music out? No? Then why should I check yours?
3. "You sound good for a female rapper"
Is that intended to be a compliment? lol Cause that's obviously a no brainer. Being realistic...I'm better than a lot of these guys out here.
2. "Let's build"
Do you gotta make it so obvious? I mean, we can build without you saying lets build. I start feeling like you're tryna use me.
1. "I think we should do a track"
Of course you think we should if you haven't created any name for yourself. Come on. What will I gain from that collab? Nothing.

Well, kind of. lol. Donwill of Tanya Morgan and I recently collabed on a track for his upcoming solo project. Which is really a blessing because those of you that are hip to alot of the hiphop blogs know who Tanya Morgan is. They're an upcoming rap group of 3 dudes. But I guess what you would call a "fan" of mine hit donwill up on twitter letting him know about me and a little bit later after that, he checked my music and hit me up and we got it going. thank God that when i sent him my verse, he thought it was dope. But I really bring this up because now these dudes are featured artist on myspace for their upcoming release "Brooklynati". They've worked with artist like Drake, 88 Keys, and Kidz in the Hall.

Thursday, May 7, 2009
TOP 60 Ghetto Names
ha ha! my fav is #38 and #2. thats crazy!funny thing is i know people that have AT LEAST 5 of the names from that list
thank you drake!
this interview with drake is dope because he's saying what i firmly believe in. i'm not too big on freestyling. i'm a writer. i write ish down. if i dont, i'll forget it. aint no shame. cuz like he says, half these dudes say they dont write or watever and it sucks when they think its good. fail! so listen up kiddos. you may learn something
ps. kid cudi/drake collab would be awesome!!!!!!! :)
ps. kid cudi/drake collab would be awesome!!!!!!! :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
this has to be the funniest/wackest thing i've seen in a looooooooooong time!!!!
Namata "Treasure in You"
whats with the dancing? peep the dougie at 2:51! lmao and someone needs to get rid of that blue screen! he resembles FLAVOR FLAAAAAAV! lol 3:56 they just started spazzin with the vocals!!!!
Namata "Treasure in You"
whats with the dancing? peep the dougie at 2:51! lmao and someone needs to get rid of that blue screen! he resembles FLAVOR FLAAAAAAV! lol 3:56 they just started spazzin with the vocals!!!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
man, i feel so bad

i dont know how many times people ask me when this [def] ish is gunna drop. i know i've been taking a lil too long on it. but as my previous blog stated, i have some technical difficulties. but i've decided, due to the fact that i've taken so long, when it does come out, it will be for.............
*crowd cheers* cuz i did plan on selling it but i think the fans and followers deserve it. and i thank everybody who has been interested in it. you're the best!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Oh joy! iSnort!
the perfect application for recovering junkies! dont fall back in it, just virtually get high! Giggidy-goo...
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